Marking Up Illustrations and Sending to Your Shop in EPCLink

KB Article #6621

EPCLink illustrations help you easily identify parts needed for the repair being performed. Additionally, use the tools provided to markup the illustration and send it to your shop

Watch the video below to learn more about marking up illustrations in EPCLink!

Working With Illustrations

The illustration helps you easily identify parts needed for the work being performed. Each part has an associated callout number. 

  1. Open EPCLink by clicking the 6621_MarkupIllustrations5.jpg icon from any part line in your CollisionLink or RepairLink order.  
  2. The illustration for that section will display with the appropriate callout highlighted.
    1. If more than one part is under the callout, the table will show all parts belonging to that callout.
    2. If the part cannot be found by EPCLink, a keyword search of the catalog description will pull a variety of search results that may help find the correct part. 
  3. Use the zoom feature below the illustration (or your mouse scroll wheel) to zoom into the illustration. 
  4. Above the illustration, use the following tools to markup your illustration: 
    • Pen: Enables you to draw on the illustration. Anything drawn will be included when you save or print the illustration. Click the Pen icon a second time to stop drawing. 
    • Text: Enables you to add text to the illustration. Anything added will be included when you save or print the illustration. Click the Text icon a second time to stop typing.
    • Erase: Enables you to erase text or drawings you added.
    • PDF: Saves the illustration as a PDF file to your computer.
    • Print: Prints the illustration and includes either the selected part or all parts (if none were selected) in the Parts List table.  

Sending Illustrations to Your Shop

To send an illustration to your shop: 

  1. Once an illustration is marked as desired (see process above), click Attach from the top menu.
  2. The illustration will be added to the CollisionLink or RepairLink transaction as a photo and automatically sent back to your shop to review. 

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