Editing a ConsumerLink Pro Order

KB Article #3916

When a customer places an order through ConsumerLink Pro, you can view and update the contents of that order, including editing quantities and adding or removing additional items.


  • When you change contents of an order, this will change the amount the customers owes. You may need to add additional money to an order or issue a partial refund.
  • To return to the legacy view of orders, click Go to Recent Orders - Legacy. (Click here for legacy instructions.)

To edit an order:

  1. From the Recent Orders window, click the Show More button.
  2. The order details will display, Click the pencil to edit the Order Contents.
  3. From the Order Contents window, you can make the following changes:
    • To edit a part:
      1. Click Edit next to the part that needs modified.
      2. Update the Ordered quantity or the Exp Ship date.
      3. Click Update.
    • To delete a part:
      1. Click Delete next to the part that needs removed.
      2. Click OK when the warning message displays.
      3. The part will be removed from the order.
    • To add a part:
      1. From the Add Product section, type the part number in the Stock Code box.
      2. Type the Quantity in the box provided.
      3. Click Add To Order.
      4. The part will be added to the Order Contents list.
  4. Click the Order Details window to return to the order summary.
    Click the ConsumerLink tab to return to the Order History window.

To edit an order in the legacy view:

  1. From the ConsumerLink Pro Order History window, click Details.
  2. Click Order Contents.
  3. From the Order contents, you can make one of the following changes:
    • To edit a part:
      1. Click Edit next to the part that needs modified.
      2. Update the Ordered quantity or the Exp Ship date.
      3. Click Update.
    • To delete a part:
      1. Click Delete next to the part that needs removed.
      2. Click OK when the warning message displays.
      3. The part will be removed from the order.
    • To add a part:
      1. From the Add Product section, type the part number in the Stock Code box.
      2. Type the Quantity in the box provided.
      3. Click Add To Order.
      4. The part will be added to the Order Contents list.
  4. Click the Order Details window to return to the order summary.
    Click the ConsumerLink tab to return to the Order History window.

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