Setting Up Formulas for OE and Non-OE Pricing in CollisionLink

KB Article #3392

CollisionLink automatically captures aftermarket, remanufactured, salvaged, and other non-OE parts included in a shop's order--giving you the chance to take advantage of automaker programs and offer competitively-priced OE parts as an alternative.

Before you can upsell a collision shop on an OE part, you need to evaluate the discounted price offered to shops for the non-OE part against the discounted price your dealership typically offers shops for OE parts.

To help you evaluate these opportunities, CollisionLink uses pricing formulas to automatically calculate and display accurate shop OE and non-OE prices.

  • OE Pricing Formulas: OE pricing formulas are used to calculate the OE part price you typically offer to shops.
  • Non-OE Pricing Formulas: When a shop sends you an order, their estimate includes non-OE parts that you can compete against to conquest. The non-OE list price is provided in the estimate, however, shops typically get 20 - 40% off list for non-OE parts. Non-OE pricing formulas will automatically calculate and display the discounted non-OE price that you need to make an offer against--no math needed!

Once pricing formulas are added, they can be set as a default for all shops or assigned to a specific shop that you do business with. To set up pricing formulas in CollisionLink, follow the recommended steps below.

  • Step 1: Create an OE pricing formula(s) and select the most common one as the default (if more than one is created).
  • Step 2: Create a non-OE pricing formulas and select the most common one as the default (if more than one)
  • Step 3 (Optional): Customize pricing formulas for shops that do not use the OE and/or non-OE formulas you selected as the defaults.

Note: To set up Upfront Pricing formulas, see Setting Up Upfront Pricing Formulas

Step 1: Creating OE Pricing Formulas and Selecting the Default (If More than One)

With OE pricing formulas, CollisionLink will calculate the shop's OE price based on the list price or dealer cost for the part.

While CollisionLink allows you to create multiple formulas that can be applied to different shops, you can set the most commonly used formula as the Default OE Pricing Formula.

  1. From the CollisionLink tab, click Application Setup.
  2. Click Modify Pricing Formulas.
  3. Select Modify Pricing Formulas from the I want to drop-down.
  4. Click Add Formula to start.
  5. Complete the following in the Add Formula section:
    • Type an easy to recognize Name for the formula.
    • Type an appropriate Description for the formula.
    • Click the Field drop-down and choose one of the following options:
      • Cost: Dealer cost
      • List: OE list price
    • Click the Operation drop-down and select one of the following options to calculate the shop OE price:
      • Plus: To inflate the OE list or dealer cost by a specified percentage rate.
      • Minus: To deflate the OE list or dealer cost by a specified percentage rate.
    • Type the percentage in the Rate % field.
    • CollisionLink includes a quick calculator tool that allows you to quickly choose a formula while processing an order. Check the Display in Quick Calc box to include this formula in the calculator.
  6. Click Add to save the formula.
  7. The formula added will display with any other OE pricing formulas that have been previously added.
  8. If you have multiple rates for shops you do business with, click Add Formula and repeat the steps above to add additional OE pricing formulas.
  9. If you have added more than one, you need to select the formula you commonly use to price OE parts for shops as the default. Click the radio button to the left of the formula you want to designate as the default.
  10. Once you have added all your formulas, click Save at the bottom of the Setup window. Proceed to Step 2 below to add your non-OE formulas.

Step 2: Creating Non-OE Pricing Formulas and Selecting the Default (If More than One)

Shops typically get a 20 to 40% discount off the list price of a non-OE part, therefore, non-OE pricing formulas are used to calculate the realistic price shops are offered for non-OE parts. All non-OE parts captured from a shop's estimate data will automatically display the accurate, discounted price you are competing against--no math needed!

While CollisionLink allows you to create multiple formulas that can be applied to different shops, you should set the most commonly used formula as the Default Non-OE Pricing Formula.

Tip: Before creating non-OE pricing formulas, talk with your shops to understand the actual price and discounts they receive for aftermarket parts and use this information as a guide to building your non-OE pricing formulas.

To create non-OE pricing formulas:

  1. From the Modify Pricing Formulas window, select Modify Non-OE Estimate Lists from the I want to drop-down.
  2. Click Add Formula to start.
  3. Complete the following in the Add Formula section:
    • Type an easy to recognize Name for the non-OE formula.
    • Type an appropriate Description for the formula.
    • Click the Field drop-down and select Non-OE Est. List.
    • Click the Operation drop-down and select Minus to deflate the list price provided in the estimate data.
    • Type the discount percentage in the Rate % field.
    • CollisionLink includes a quick calculator tool that allows you to quickly choose a formula while processing an order. Check the Display in Quick Calc box to include this formula in the calculator.
  4. Click Add to create the non-OE pricing formula.
  5. The formula added will display with any other Non OE pricing formulas that have been previously added.
  6. If you have multiple non OE/aftermarket discount rates for shops you do business with, click Add Formula and repeat the steps above to add additional non-OE pricing formulas.
  7. If you have added more than one, you need to select the formula with the most common non-OE discount rate given to shops. Click the radio button to the left of the formula you want to designate as the default.
  8. Once you have added all your formulas, click Save at the bottom of the Setup window. 

Step 3 (Optional): Selecting Specific Formulas for a Shop

The default OE and non-OE pricing formulas you selected in steps 1 and 2 should be the ones that apply to most collision shops you do business, however, you may have some customers that you give a different discount rate to for OE parts and/or receive a different discount on non-OE parts from their aftermarket suppliers. CollisionLink allows you to customize these specific shops with one of the other OE and non-OE pricing formulas created.

To customize a shop's preferences, including the assignment of OE and non-OE pricing formulas, it must be added as a Trading Partner in CollisionLink. A shop can be added manually added as a Trading Partner or when you receive the first order from the shop. (Click here to learn how to configure a shop's Trading Partner profile and assign pricing formulas.)

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